Sudhir Vishwakarma
Sudhir Vishwakarma (スディール ヴィシュワカルマ)インド出身
主にサーバーやデータベース の構築、システムの運用、
I am a Rails developer and have been doing product development from past 6+ years, I have also led teams for various organisations i have worked with, Apart from the work i love travelling & trying different foods at different places. I am very fond of bikes i have rode allover India on my bike.
- Q & A
好きな国はどこですか?また、今まで何カ国いったことがありますか?India & Japan
好きな食べ物は何ですか?Indian Chicken Korma is one of my favourite also i love thai & chinese cuisines
飲み屋で一杯目何を飲む?Beer (Miller)
趣味は?Travelling & Food
健康に気を使ってやっていること(習慣)は何ですか?Balanced food & Exercise
10年後のECはどうなっていると思いますか?As everything changing into online across the world, EC looks like is going to produce great opportunities in coming years. The product reach-out will be larger and faster in near future EC will also be responsible for booming the delivery Transports companies.
いま一番注目しているテクノロジーは?Backend Languages & AI